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Minggu, 21 Juni 2009
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009
Megawati Mencoba Bunuh Diri!!
Megawati Cemburu, Nekat Bakar Diri
Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 03:04 WIB
Makassar (ANTARA News) – Seorang ibu rumah tangga, Megawati (22), warga jalan Daeng Tata III Makassar, Rabu, nekat melakukan percobaan bunuh diri dengan cara membakar dirinya dengan minyak tanah.
Megawati (22) menyiramkan minyak tanah yang berasal dari kompor minyak miliknya, sekitar pukul 23.00 Wita, di rumahnya, jalan Daeng Tata III, Kelurahan Parangtambung, Kecamatan Tamalate Makassar. Sekujur tubuh Megawati pun mengalami luka bakar sangat serius.
Percobaan bunuh diri ini baru diketahui setelah tetangga korban mendengar suara teriakan minta tolong dari rumah Megawati. Teriakan ini membuat warga sekitar jalan Dg Tata yang tertidur pulas terbangun dan segera menyelamatkannya.
Akibat menderita luka bakar yang sangat parah ini, terpaksa Megawati dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit (RS) Bhayangkara Mappa Oudang untuk mendapatkan perawatan medis, sekitar pukul 23.30 Wita. Sebelumnya, tetangganya sempat memberi penanganan.
Aksi nekat Megawati ini, diduga karena termakan api cemburu, apalagi suaminya, Daeng Unjung telah meninggalkannya sejak tiga hari yang lalu.
Tetangga Korban, Daeng Gau, mengatakan tidak mengetahui persis permasalahan yang menimpa keluarga mereka. Ia menduga, ada masalah dalam membina keluarganya, karena akhir-akhir ini memang sering bertengkar dan sudah beberapa hari ini suaminya meninggalkannya. Sementara warga sekitar kompleks ini, banyak yang tidak menyukai perilaku Dg Unjung, yang kesehariannya penjual bakso keliling.
“Sepertinya ada masalah dengan mereka. Sering bertengkar. Megawati sempat lari dari rumah dan saat ini suaminya sudah tiga hari tidak ada dirumahnya, ” kata Dg Gau.
Sementara Kepala kepolisan Sektor kota (kapolsekta) Tamalate, AKP Suaib A Majid, juga telah menerima informasi ini dan langsung terjun ke RS Bhayangkara.
“Dugaan sementara, korban percobaan bunuh diri. Karena juga tidak ada saksi dalam hal ini suaminya. informasi yang kami temukan korban bertengkar dengan suaminya karena mencoba meninggalkannya, ” kata Suaib
Kondisi korban kini dirawat intensif di ruang Instalasi Rawat darurat (IRD). Menurut dokter RS Bhayangkara yang menanganinya, Hendra, luka bakar yang diderita Megawati sekitar 90 persen dan pihak RS akan segera memasukannya di ruang ICU untuk membersihkan luka bakarnya.(*)
Bridges Versus Ferry Services
Articles that contain "scramble" the bridges and ferries in the United States. Be censured, flubdub rider who snarl bridges. The city's "divided" by the width of the river is often only one to two bridges so that the flow of vehicles "tighten" in the bridge.
Consequently, in many cities built more bridges. Not build an alternative crossing to another zone or a movement of people.
For example in Pontianak, inaugurated in 2007 Kapuas II bridge for the "empty" Kapuas Bridge I. Palembang, even though a bridge Ampera II and Musi, Musi III bridge plan.
Meanwhile, the lobbying Pemkot Samarinda Department of Public Works to build a third bridge, Crown II.
Tepatkah development of the bridge? Film remind Intersection (1994). When Vincent Eastman (Richard Gere) and Olivia (Lolita D) ferry ride in Vancouver, Canada, to the workplace. There are sentimental impression there.
Effect of the fan was on the ferry, "always beautiful in the morning ferry. Residents in the chat at the ferry. Afternoon, sunset seen. Very beautiful. "
Commuting impossible to enjoy the sunset while driving on the bridge. And on the ferry, write Commuting other, "often have live music. Rileks after work. "
Rower for bicycles, are also ferries. Bicycles are no bridges at the ferry. Or, when the bridge can only be passed vehicle.
"Bottleneck? What's that? "Babble lover ferry. Anywhere, and they jockey lincah "jump" antartransportasi bulk. Diperamah face with the city to reduce emissions and strengthen citizen interaction.
There is no intent judge Suramadu bridge. But to build similar bridges? Whoa ....
Moreover, the system is being perferian be addressed. If PT Indonesia Ferry (ASDP) thorough improvement of the port, the sail and the sandar short. So many in fact lived synergy moda. Say, in Pontianak, build a bus rapid transport (Brt) in Pontianak Utara, through the ferry in the Kapuas River, through South Brt in Pontianak. Mass transportation akan menyusutkan movement and motor cars in Kapuas bridge and "empty" the road in Pontianak.
Where better, Rp 1.2 trillion to build bridge in Palembang Musi III or mass transportation? Moreover, growing road and bridge is always less with the growth of vehicles.
Thought moderate proposed transportation experts Unika Soegijapranata, Djoko Setijowarno, "Suramadu may have, but also so that the bridge rail."
If a train line in Suramadu, live "drawn" from the rail again to Sumenep Bangkalan (176 km). No need for the exemption of state-owned rail built since Madoera Stoomtram Maatschappij, November 1896.
Suramadu edge of the bridge, through the network later KA KA-VIII Regional Operations Surabaya. Live rail to Lamongan, Malang, Blitar, Banyuwangi, or even Jakarta. Ciamik tenan.
In the future, need to be reset each building bridges. Prioritize areas that there is no defection. Optimize the ferry when possible.
When forced to, can build bridges, but to facilitate the mass transportation so that people unspoilt private vehicle use is wasteful and tie.
It's whispering, "Bali and Lombok, there is no bridge from the past, I forward?" Perhaps, not the bridges that needed to Madura prosperous.
Rabu, 17 Juni 2009
Rainwater Management
Rain is coming down at this time felt a dilemma for some people, not how, for urban residents who have not already notabene area serapan water and trees, the rainfall as a source of disaster. Floods that are familiar from their natural time to time to make a package with the additional noisy bingarnya large cities, but for the farmers who live in rural areas, rainfall is a blessing that there is no measurable, because the plants they will grow with the operation.
Such as whether management of the rain?
Water on the surface of the earth, aided by the sun will evaporate the cloud shape, cloud consisting of grain-grain the water is blown by wind to a more cold. Then there some process that causes grain-grain water down over the surface of this earth that we call normal rainfall. How management sederhananya rain.
The occurrence of rainfall is one of a process with other processes. So if one of the process does not take place with the proper operation, then there will be a natural disaster such as floods or landslides. For example, forest notabene as penyerap and water storage ditebang be without natural balance. Urban areas that are part of the land surface is covered by housing, the water can not be directly absorbed by the earth.
Simple but rich in meaning, it is implied that in mind I dive in the rain. Through the rain we taught each other mutual assistance, mutual respect, mutual respect and are committed to achieving a goal together. Organization, political party or the like will be destroyed if porak-poranda members in it does not have a clear commitment to achieve a vision outlined in AD-ART. Facilitate the organization members to achieve shared goals more easily
Rain is a grace from Allah SWT. Because of our work becomes easier, we need not carry water hundreds of kilometers away to water trees in the mountains.
For a leader of the group, organization or any name, can learn about commitment, gotong royong, mutual respect and respect from the rain.
101 Business Ideas Without Office, What's That?
"The growth of the business run from home continues to increase significantly," said financial planner and author book Sulistyawati, while launching a book entitled 101 Ideas Without Business Office in Jakarta, Saturday (6 / 6).
Sulistyawati, said many of the benefits gained in doing business with the house such as the need to rent a place not special, just design a room and rearrange the house to be a suitable work space as desired. "Living room set which allows, even bedrooms can disulap into office," he said.
Besides, does not need special time to go to the location of work can take for hours due to congestion and can avoid stress on the road.
The advantage is, to save costs for both vehicles, clothes, shoes, bag work, lunch, and so forth, and a flexible working time. "It can also perform the role ganda as the family, and can be a potential increase in household income," he said.
While the weakness of doing business at home, said Sulistyawati, feeling isolated from the work environment, loneliness, the income is not regular, working person saturated in the same place.
Besides, there is a business at home jobs that are not as serious and less professional because of its location in the house and without ties. "Another obstacle in the home often do not kosisten, a lot of interference, such as children, neighbors, and the feeling of fear of failure," he said.
For that, he added, before the plunge into business should learn the risks and weaknesses so it is able to confront all possibilities.
According Sulistyawati, many businesses a simple idea that needed a lot of people. For example, business related to the production room, such as sheets and bed cover, agents or store sheets and bed cover. Another example, related to the bathroom, such as detergent and distributor of bathroom cleaner, soap, lulur, and bath equipment.
"Business needs a lot of others, especially women, such as salon, boutiques, tailor, fashion distributor Muslim jilbab production, retail accessories, perfume sellers, Multi Level Marketing beauty products, craft accessories and so forth," he said.
For business relating to the kitchen, said Sulistyawati, such as shops sembako, making cakes, catering, cafe, cooking courses and create a cake, the domestic workers and so forth.
While dealing with the children, he continued, baby equipment, such as boutiques, designer children's rooms, services, child care, children's toy store and a gift, as well as play groups and kindergarten. "Business as translators, agencies and newspapers magazines, books and computer rental, writers, creative flowers, courier services, printing, cultivation of ornamental plants, motorcycle rental," he said.
Sulistyawati also share a simple business idea from many other fields that can be done at home with the capital that is not too much in the book setebal 194 pages.
Sulistyawati manambahkan, to start a business must be a few things, such as whether the business is, what skills that support, know how menjalankanya, adequate capital, and no relation to the hobby. "If the answer is' yes' means ready to start the business," he said.
In addition, planning should be made and a good business concept, including business name, type of business plan development, financing, and how to obtain the return of capital, the estimated profit and loss, marketing plans and so on ..
Sulistyawati also share tips on how to run a business and how the product is good in the book.
So now you no longer need to worry start business at home. Please try ...
Selasa, 16 Juni 2009
Indonesian Economy can grow 7 percent
The economy is still likely to grow to 7 percent in 2011. In the year, the economy will be the consolidation is complete, so start to enter the recovery phase.
Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the government is not too ambitious a target directly on the recovery in 2010. For, next year the economy is still predicted fluctuation. "If the potential posibilitas and always have," said Sri Mulyani Indrawati Menkeu in his office yesterday, when responding to the conclusion that Morgan Stanley projects the Indonesian economy will grow 7 percent in 2011.
As quoted bloomberg.com, Indonesia akan growing country with high-called BRIC countries, namely Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Political stability and stable akan akan domestic demand growth is high. Indonesian economic growth predicted this year could reach 4 percent, the fastest or among countries other Southeast Asia. Morgan Stanley predicts its own economy in Indonesia to grow 3.7 percent this year. Menkeu add, the world economic order will be changed in 2011, primarily related to economic relations the United States (U.S.) and China to change the pattern of global trade and investment. This also affects the exchange rate and world inflation. "It's all still in the context of the search process a new equilibrium," he said.
Economists Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Aviliani said, does not matter if the external factors still fluctuation. It is important, investment and infrastructure development is still positive growth. "If the views, is a good start. Living resemble how infrastructure investment becomes more attractive to the economy in 2011," he said.
On the other hand, the House of Representatives Budget Committee expects economic growth next year could reach 7 percent immediately. Parliamentary expenditure rate of the effective economic growth can push up on the 2010 Proposed Budget assumptions. "The Committee notes that the Budget to provide economic growth can be 7 per cent, SBI interest rate up to 7 percent, and the lifting of oil expected to be 970 thousand barrels per day," said Vice Chairman of the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives Harry Azhar Azis.
Harry said, as long as this government is always grounded external factors, namely menyusutnya economic world, is very influential in the domestic economy. In fact, about Harry, the government had not provided detailed explanation of how the effects of external variables affect inflation and economic growth.
Blogging? Sharing? And obtain INCOME? Possible?
create a blog is a way of expression, sharing opinion, and do business.
here we talk business with blog.transaksi problem in the internet business is a common method saat.bermacam kind used for the blogger bisnis.satunya is file sharing.
Here I would recommend a web site that can bermanfaat.kalian file sharing, as well as receive income.mungkin? The answer is very possible.klik banner below.
Senin, 15 Juni 2009
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
RI debt ratio down 30 Percent
Minister of Finance as well as Executive Position Coordinating Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati Economy explains, the ratio of debt countries is soaring. Japan, for example, the ratio of debt jumped 30 percent in the period 2003-2008. The ratio of debt to the UK GDP increased 12 percent and the United States increased 10 percent to the GDP.
"Some of the company's debt pemeringkat world began to give warnings to the three countries because of the position of this debt so big," said Sri Mulyani.
He explains, in 2008, Japan's ratio of debt to 200 percent of their GDP. If the country's nominal GDP was Rp 5,000 trillion, Rp 10.000 trillion debt. "In this country does not have the make must be considered because the government took into the economy," he said in Jakarta on Sunday (14 / 6).
In 1999, debt ratio of 100 percent of Indonesia at that time because the government must issue a letter of the new debt of Rp 600 billion to rescue the national banking sector.
"After that, rasionya continue to decrease. All government, from President Habibie, Gus Dur, Mrs. Megawati, until now, have the same policy, lowering the ratio of debt, "said Menkeu.
In 2003, the ratio of debt to GDP Indonesia 61 percent, enter 2008, a 33 per cent of GDP, and the government intends this year to 32 percent lower.
Total debt to the Government of Indonesia 29 May 2009 to Rp 1,700 trillion, that is, foreign borrowing Rp 732 trillion and state securities (SBN) Rp 968 trillion. This number increased in 2008 instead of only Rp 1,636 trillion, the foreign borrowing Rp 730 trillion and Rp 906 trillion SBN.
According to Division of Advocacy and Networking Forum International NGOs in Indonesia Wahyu Susilo, if development is done based on government debt, that means the same menyandera government of the future Indonesia. "Better the government struggled to free themselves from debt," he said.
Check the head of the Finance Board (BPK) Anwar Nasution argued, with increasing revenues from taxes, Indonesia can become a nation that does not cleave the debt.
3 Series BMW Newest Easily achieve Sales Target
In Indonesia, the BMW 320 series released with LCI Executive banderole price Rp568 million (off the road), is higher than the previous series of pairs of Rp 479 million at launch.
Hari Purnomo branch manager Authorized BMW Dealer PT Astra International Tbk is optimistic with the presence BMW 320 LCI Executive, Day believes sales target for all the series of 100 units in East Java in the year this can be achieved. Years ago, the same target also Dicanangkan BMW. However, when it realized that only 75 percent or 75 units.
During this time, 3 series BMW dominate sales. Since this model was launched in 2005, more than 1 million units have been sold around the world. While in Indonesia, the BMW 2165 has been sending units to the customer. Contribute 3''series of BMW sales in Indonesia reached 60 percent, because we are optimistic about the presence of series 3 could push up sales,''he said.
Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported, for the first time, affirmed his side are Korut reproduce uranium reserves to develop nuclear weapons. Associated Press added, Korut also stated, if the U.S. and allies working to thwart the program, it's the same with a challenging fight.
And underlined the threat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Korut. They assert, if the UN sanctions still persevere with the inspection of ships Korut, the swing does not shrink from military attack.
Loud voice from Pyongyang that dilansir day after the UN Security Council to approve the provision of more serious sanctions against Korut, Friday (12 / 6). Sanctions are aimed at financing the network decided to Korut nuclear development program. Including inspection of ships suspected of carrying Korut forbidden cargo. As of rudal ballistic or nuclear material.
Korut mention sanctions as''a product of decay and U.S. allies and the international world that aims damage, remove, and weaken the economy of North Korea. "Pyongyang accuse Washington deliberately want to remove nuclear Korut that the attacks can do it easily. However, Washington oppugn. U.S. states that the main problem is Korut activities nuklirnya selling technology to other countries.
Korut threat yesterday (13 / 6) is the evidence that the country in the Korean Peninsula is refused subject to the international appeal to stop the ambition nuklirnya program. As the anticipation, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has added hundreds of personnel marinirnya two islands in the sea near the border with Korut. There, in 1999 and 2002, there was friction between the two countries military.
Recognition Korut up uranium development program also prove that the state has the other source material of nuclear weapons than plutonium. Yoon Deok-min, a professor at the Institute of Foreign Relations and the South Korea National Defense, said that Korut believed to have 50 kilograms plutonium. Amount that is enough to make six nuclear bombs.
Fund Grants U.S. $ 17 Million U.S.
Said Chairman of the Board of Finance Pemeriksa (BPK) Anwar Nasution in a press meet after the results of inspection reports (LHP) LKPP Year 2008 to the leaders of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (9/6/2009).
"Century Bank is now the middle of a very severe problem, so need to get a capital injection and management taken over by LPS," said Anwar.
LHP LKPP in 2008 is described, in the Year 2008 Balance Sheet LKPP presented the balance of the Use of Restricted Funds of Rp 30,544,739.79 million. In between there is a balance in the account of a special escrow account no.10220000320250 stored on Century Bank with the balance as of 31 December 2008 of U.S. $ 17.28 million or equivalent to Rp 190,080.00 million.
Escrow accounts are the consequences of a grant agreement of 30 September 1999, signed between the Government, represented by the U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation, United States Departement of Agricultural (USDA-CCC) and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
In the agreement CCC-USDA will provide grants that come from the sale of wheat flour which is estimated at U.S. $ 24 million with the terms of the sale must first be used as security for the importer to make India the import of U.S. agricultural commodities prior to submission to the Government of Indonesia on December 31 2002.
Guarantee Fund is managed by JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank as Collateral Agent. Mechanism for the import of agricultural products with a guarantee from the U.S. JP Morgan called PL 416 (b).
In order to use fasillitas PL 416 (b), on 21 May 2001, three cooperatives namely Manufacturers Association of Coop Tempe Tahu Indonesia (INKOPTI), Welfare Association of Coop people (IKKU), and Up the Village Unit Cooperatives (INKUD) to import and apply LC through the establishment of the Bank CIC LC with a total value of U.S. $ 24 million.
Up the application of Bank CIC Allocation Request to create a letter to JP Morgan to get approval. JP Morgan agrees to provide a guarantee with standby LC is 90% of the value of LC. Precede the establishment of the LC, in January 2001, the goods have been delivered and diorder. Although there is a oddity in the import process, the Bank CIC still make a payment to the exporter.
Top of the funds that have been paid to the Bank CIC collect three Cooperatives as importers, but it turns out to third importer TORT, so that the Bank CIC request reimbursement of funds to JP Morgan in accordance with the guaranty agreement. The JP Morgan Bank refused the request for the reason that the Bank CIC CIC not charge according to the third debtor Legal preceding terms of funds as guarantee.
However, based on the discussion of the date of 8 November 2002 which was attended by JP Morgan, USDA-CCC, the Department of Finance and Bank Indonesia, among others, agreed that the funds transferred from the security in the Collateral Account JP Morgan to the escrow account at the Bank of the Government of Indonesia dhi. Bank Rakyat Indonesia and has been realized on 28 January 2003 a number of U.S. $ 22.86 million.
Then between the years 2003 to 2005, the balance has been reduced to U.S. $ 17.28 million and the CPC have not been to the bottom of the balance is reduced. Based on information from the Ministry of Finance, funds are used to aid the tsunami disaster in Aceh.
Based on examination, appeared to note that although the storage of money based on the rules state only allowed on the banks the government, but the Ministry of Finance to approve the transfer of escrow accoutn U.S. $ 17.28 million from the BRI to Century Bank and opened for and on behalf of Menkeu.
The status of escrow account to work as security until the settlement of problems with PT Bank Century debiturnya third have permanent legal force, and Century Bank shall place funds in escrow in the form of SBI and / or SUN.
In addition, although according to the number of Century Bank 560/CIC/D/XI/2003 dated 13 November 2003, Century Bank can provide the level of beneficial interest for the funds placed in escrow accounts at the Bank Century, but the fact is not. Based on newspaper accounts note that the balance up to at this time remains of U.S. $ 17.28 million and not get a giro services at all.
Until the end of the examination in the field on 15 May 2009, the fund escrow
accounts are still in the Century Bank and the Government has not tried
withdraw the cash came from grants by the date of 30 September 1999.
"CPC recommends that the Government take the steps necessary including legal efforts in order to process a cash acquisition
grant from the USDA-CCC, "write the report to CPC.
In response to this problem, the government promised to conduct the study of law
Pertamina Burned
Jakarta - Two properties burned Pertamina, Saturday (13/6/2009). Terbakarnya depot elpiji Pertamina and the Great Oil Cililitan this occurred only two days before the AGM Pertamina.
Before the fire depot and base oil Cililitan, fire also overwrite Crude distillation unit (CDU) II Golf Cilacap last week. However, starting June 9, CDU II has begun to be operated again.
Is there a connection between the fire-fire with the AGM of 15 June 2009 Pertamina later? Is there a connection between the fire-fire with the issue this Karen pullback from Pertamina dirut? Is there a connection between the claims pullback Jenderal Pol (purn) Soetanto Pertamina's main commissioner?
A clear, two fires this property of Pertamina harm, whether financial or non financial. Musing-natural overrides the Pertamina obtain this publication and the media be discussed a lot of people. This is similar to the case of Depo Pertamina Plumpang terbakarnya few weekends before the dilengserkannya Ari Soemarno Dirut chair of Pertamina.
Against pullback issue, Karen Agustiawan has disputed the gossip that last week. He has disputed the submit resignation letters to state-owned Menneg. He also disputed the Capres have a pressing that Pertamina to fund political campaigns.
While the impetus to reverse that Soetanto Komut Pertamina's hold tight, because he was a volunteer support SBY-Boediono. Soetanto be back so that is a state-owned Pertamina will not ternodai by police. Soetanto fate will be decided in the AGM Monday, June 15 later, even though the issues he has been back from Komut Pertamina has heard two days ago.
Rabu, 10 Juni 2009
What Is google adsense???
Google AdSense is an advertising program that was launched in the middle of 2003 by Google, the popular search engine. Google acts as an intermediary between a vast number of advertisers and an equally impressive number of website owners.
Advertisers sign up with Google and create text ads that they would like to be displayed. Google displays these ads on the results pages of searches that people conduct from Google.com. The Google AdSense program allows these advertisements to show up on pages all over the internet. To see some of the ads themselves, take a look at the sidebar on this page. The webmaster simply places a special code in their page and Google AdSense takes care of the rest. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the system is that robots (specialized computer programs that scan internet pages) analyzes pages that ads will be placed on to determine which ads are most relevant to the page's content.
The relevancy of ads placed by AdSense varies on all sorts of criteria, but most ads are usually very relevant to the page on which the ad is displayed. For example, the ads on this page should be related to the internet, advertising, and/or the Google AdSense program itself.
Advertisers pay Google a certain amount for each time one of their ads are clicked. Google keeps a portion of this payment and passes on the rest to the owner of the website itself. Page views of the advertisements are irrelevant in terms of generating revenue in the program - commissions are only generated when internet users actually click on the ads themselves.
Google AdSense checks are sent out on a monthly basis. Many webmasters wait in anticipation of their checks since AdSense provides them a simple way to recoup some of the losses associated with posting websites on the internet. In some cases, webmasters can even make a profit using Google AdSense.
Outside of a Google AdSense Check:
Inside of a Google AdSense Check:
From : www.wisegeek.com
Hiroko Ota: Japan will estend weaker performance
Headline - Economy |
Written by Faisal Justin |
Jakarta, Financeroll.com - Japan’s former Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Hiroko Ota said the world’s second-largest economy is likely to stumble again later this year after a temporary rebound. “Japan’s recovery may be W-shaped,” Ota, said in an interview in Tokyo on June 4. “The worst is over but I can’t say the economy is heading for a recovery at all.” Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said last month that the economy will resume growing this quarter after the previous period’s record 15.2 percent annualized plunge. That expansion won’t guarantee a sustainable recovery as businesses facing declining profits reduce costs, Ota said. “A sharp deterioration in profits may force companies to cut business spending and jobs further, triggering a second trough,” said Ota. “The economy could fall as early as the second half of this year.” Japanese companies slashed spending at the fastest pace in 54 years last quarter and profits tumbled a record 69 percent, the Finance Ministry said last week. The unemployment rate rose to 5 percent in April, the highest in more than five years, and about two work seekers are competing for a single spot, the most severe job shortage on record. Even so, improvements in industrial production and exports since last quarter have spurred speculation that Japan may soon recover from its deepest postwar recession. Prime Minister Taro Aso has pledged to spend 25 trillion yen ($253 billion) reviving the economy, swelling a public debt burden that’s already the largest in the industrialized world. “Support from the economic stimulus is likely to be only temporary,” Ota said, citing the measures as another reason why gross domestic product may shrink again this year. “It seems we’re regressing back to the 1990s,” when the government spent money on wasteful public works projects and protected inefficient industries, Ota said. The recovery will be “very weak” even once it begins, probably next year, Ota said. Exports won’t be as strong as they were during the expansion that ended in October 2007, and consumer spending is likely to be sluggish, she said. “Japan’s economy was weak even before this recession,” with issues such as low productivity in the service industry, which employs 70 percent of the workforce, Ota said. “It’s becoming an obsolete phrase but I would dare to keep saying ‘there is no growth without reform.’ Japan can’t survive without it.” (bloomberg) |
Dollar slips as optimism recession is ending
Headline - Currencies |
Written by Faisal Justin |
Jakarta, Financeroll.com - The dollar extended declines against the higher-yielding currencies of Australia and South Korea as speculation the global recession is ending reduced demand for the greenback as a refuge. The U.S. dollar weakened against 14 of the 16 most-traded currencies after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. recommended clients buy euros versus the dollar, citing a recovery in world growth expectations. Aussie and kiwi rose for a second day against the U.S. currency after crude oil reached a seven-month high and Asian equities gained. The Swedish krona climbed against the dollar and the euro on speculation plans to cut state spending in Latvia will trigger an international bailout, easing concerns that Swedish banks would face losses. |
Jakarta Stock Exchange
Jakarta Stock Exchange
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Former type | Stock exchange |
Fate | Merged with SSX to form Indonesia Stock Exchange |
Successor | Indonesia Stock Exchange |
Founded | 1912 |
Defunct | September 2007 |
Headquarters | Jakarta, Indonesia |
Key people | Erry Firmansyah, Last CEO |
Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) or in Indonesian Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) was a stock exchange based in Jakarta, Indonesia, before it merged with the Surabaya Stock Exchange to form the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
Contents[hide] |
[edit] History
Originally opened in 1912 under the Dutch colonial government, it was re-opened in 1977 after several closures during World War I and World War II. After being reopened in 1977, the exchange was under the management of the newly created Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal, or Bapepam), which answered to the Ministry of Finance. Trading activity and market capitalization grew alongside the development of Indonesia's financial markets and private sector - highlighted by a major bull run in 1990. On July 13, 1992, the exchange was privatized under the ownership of Jakarta Exchange Inc. As a result, the functions of Bapepam changed to become the Capital Market Supervisory Agency. On March 22, 1995 JSX launched the Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS). In September 2007, Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange merged and named Indonesian Stock Exchange by Indonesian Minister of Finance.
[edit] Stock Indices
Two of the primary stock market indices used to measure and report value changes in representative stock groupings are the JSX Composite and the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The JII was established in 2002 to act as a benchmark in measuring market activities based on Sharia (Islamic law). Currently, there are approximately 30 corporate stocks listed on the JII.[1] The FTSE/ASEAN Indices were launched by the five ASEAN exchanges (Singapore Exchange, Bursa Malaysia, The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Jakarta Stock Exchange, The Philippine Stock Exchange) and global index provider FTSE on September 21, 2005. The indices, covering the five ASEAN markets, are designed using international standards, free float adjusted, and based on the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB). The indices comprise FTSE/ASEAN Benchmark Index and FTSE/ASEAN 40 tradable index. The FTSE/ASEAN 40 index is calculated on a real-time basis from 9:00 a.m. and the closing index is calculated at 6:00 p.m. (Singapore time). The FTSE/ASEAN benchmark index is calculated on end-of-day basis.
[edit] Merger
Both Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) and the Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX) merged to form a new entity "Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia).
[edit] Notes
- ^ Asean Law Association, Indonesian Legal System, 2004
[edit] See also
Senin, 08 Juni 2009
Oil drops below $68 as rally loses steam
Benchmark crude for July delivery was down 79 cents to fetch $67.65 a barrel by afternoon in European electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Friday, it settled down 37 cents at $68.44 after jumping as high as $70.32, the highest since October.
Oil's brief jump over $70 came after the U.S. Labor Department reported Friday that employers cut 345,000 jobs in May, the fewest since September, even as the unemployment rate rose to 9.4 percent in May, a 25-year high.
Mexican economy will get stuck
Swine flu case that very dangerous makes President Felipe Calderon have to tell to his
people not to going out from their home for 5 days, started from Friday. This policy declared to respons opinion of Wolrd Health Organization about swine flu virus knocked over Mexico and started to spread widely.
The consequence is Mexican economy will get stuck temporary because Calderon ordered all
government and private office not crucial to stop work for 5 days. The expectation is can
minimization spread of H1N1 virus that killed 176 Mexican people.
Wall Street futures point to lower open
Despite some signs of improvement, concerns linger about the global economy. Interest rates on government bonds are edging higher, unemployment continues to rise and oil prices are near six-month highs. That has left investors concerned about the sustainability and size of a potential recovery.
Dow Jones industrial average futures fell 74, or 0.84 percent, to 8,688. Standard & Poor's 500 index futures declined 8.90, or 0.95 percent, to 931.60, while Nasdaq 100 index futures fell 15.75, or 1.05 percent, to 1,479.25.
In corporate news, some national banks that received money as part of the government's bailout last fall could hear as early as Monday if they will be able to repay those loans. JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and American Express Co. are expected to get approval to repay their loans, according to The Washington Post.
Other banks that were told by the government last month to raise funds to help protect against a potential worsening in the economy must submit plans Monday about how they are raising that capital. Several large banks, including Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc., were told in early May as part of the government's banking "stress tests" that they needed a larger cash buffer.
Dollar Rises versus Euro as Traders Raise Bets Fed Rate to Rise
The dollar rose to $1.3874 per euro as of 9:50 a.m. in London from $1.3968 in New York on at the end of last week. It traded at 98.28 yen, versus 98.64, while Japan’s currency strengthened 1.1 percent to 136.36 per euro, from 137.81. The New Zealand dollar fell 1.1 percent to 61.95 U.S. cents. The Norwegian krone slipped 1 percent to 6.4897 per dollar.
Written by Denny Yahya
Minggu, 07 Juni 2009
Affiliate Program
Jika anda mengikuti program afiliasi yang seperti yang disediakan oleh Amazon memang benar bahwa produk yang anda pasarkan bukan merupakan produk anda sendiri. Namun jika dilihat lebih jauh lagi, untuk memasarkan produk tersebut anda harus memiliki sebuah situs web - apapun bentuknya - sebagai sarana utama. Situs web anda ini, yang bisa ada karena usaha anda mendisain, membuat dan merawatnya, adalah salah satu produk/layanan yang harus pertama-tama anda 'jual' sebelum anda bisa menjual produk dari program afiliasi tadi. Sebab jika situs web anda itu sendiri tidak 'laku', bagaimana anda bisa menjual produk afiliasi dari program yang anda ikuti?
Langkah-langkah etis 'menjual' situs anda akan kita bicarakan pada posting yang akan datang. Kali ini kita akan membicarakan mengenai program afiliasi secara umum.
Program afiliasi adalah program yang memberikan imbalan komisi dalam persentase tertentu jika anda sebagai peserta program merefer (merujuk) ke sebuah situs web, biasanya melalui text link (tautan teks) atau banner (spanduk gambar/grafis) yang anda letakkan di situs anda. Dalam kata lain jika seorang pengunjung mengklik tautan teks atau spanduk dan dengan sendirinya dihantarkan ke situs web penyedia produk/layanan tersebut anda akan mendapat imbalan berupa komisi dari mereka. Biasanya untuk ikut serta dalam program afiliasi tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Anda cukup mendaftar sebagai peserta program dan anda akan dibekali dengan cara-cara untuk membuat tautan afiliasi di situs anda. Sistem afiliasi yang baik juga biasanya menyediakan berbagai tips bagaimana cara memaksimalkan pendapatan anda dari program tersebut tanpa menyalahi norma-norma yang berlaku di internet.
Tentunya semua program afiliasi menetapkan syarat-syarat yang harus anda penuhi agar anda bisa turut serta dalam program tersebut. Syarat utama yang harus anda penuhi adalah memiliki situs web yang berfungsi dengan baik. Syarat-syarat lainnya bervariasi antara satu program dan lainnya. Pada saat mendaftar biasanya anda harus menyebutkan alamat situs web anda untuk mereka review. Apakah situs web anda dianggap memenuhi syarat atau tidak, akan diberitahukan kepada anda setelah mereka melakukan penilaian.
Anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari Amazon jika pengunjung situs tersebut (yang datang melalui tautan di situs anda) membeli produk yang mereka tawarkan atau mendaftar sebagai afiliasi, hanya dalam satu session (sesi) kunjungan. Artinya pengunjung yang disebut di atas melakukan pembelian/mendaftar segera setelah tiba di situs tersebut dari situs anda, sebelum menutup browser yang digunakannya. Ada juga program afiliasi lain yang masih memperhitungkan pembelian yang dilakukan sampai 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah kunjungan pertama yang berasal dari tautan di situs anda.
Sistem PPC bahkan akan memberikan komisi jika seseorang mengklik tautan afiliasi di situs anda, tanpa memperhitungkan apakah mereka melakukan pembelian atau tidak. Contoh afiliasi jenis ini adalah Google AdSense.
Anda tentunya berpikir, betapa mudahnya mendapatkan uang dari sistem Pay Per Click ini:
"saya cukup mengajak teman-teman saya untuk mengklik tautan afiliasi di situs saya, dan di akhir bulan saya akan dikirimi cek oleh penyedia program afiliasi yang saya ikuti".
Sebaiknya anda berpikir seratus kali sebelum melakukan hal yang melanggar hukum itu. Dengan berbuat demikian anda jelas-jelas menyalahi aturan yang sudah anda sepakati pada saat mendaftar pada program afiliasi tersebut dan hal ini bisa berakhir dengan penghapusan account afiliasi anda atau bahkan penuntutan di pengadilan. Jika ini adalah sebuah bisnis yang menghasilkan bagi mereka, tentu mereka juga akan sedapat mungkin berusaha menjaga kelangsungan bisnis ini.
Hati-hati untuk tidak terjebak dalam Pyramid Scheme - Skema Piramida atau MLM - Sistem Penjualan Berjenjang yang mengharuskan anda membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk menjadi anggota yang pada gilirannya membuat anda 'terpaksa' melakukan hal-hal yang tidak sepatutnya agar bisa merekrut anggota baru untuk menutupi biaya yang sudah anda keluarkan. Apalagi jika anda diharuskan mengeluarkan biaya tambahan/iuran - apapun namanya - atau membeli produk/layanan yang mereka sediakan secara berkala agar bisa terus menjadi peserta program tersebut. Tidak ada yang salah dengan MLM sepanjang sistemnya benar dan dijalankan dengan benar:
- Ada produk/layanan yang dijual
- Sifat produk/layanan itu sendiri yang jelas dan tidak meragukan
- Komisi yang anda terima adalah merupakan bagian dari hasil menjual produk/layanan tadi atau bagian dari hasil penjualan yang dilakukan downline anda, bukan berasal dari persentase iuran keanggotaan atau biaya lainnya yang dikeluarkan oleh downline anda
Agar bisa mengenal dan memilih program afiliasi yang cocok untuk anda, jalan satu-satunya adalah dengan mencoba sendiri secara langsung satu persatu setiap program yang ada selama jangka waktu tertentu, dan kemudian memilih satu atau beberapa program yang benar-benar memberikan hasil nyata. Anda bisa memulai mencari program yang akan anda ikuti melalui Google.
Jika anda ingin mengetahui bagaimana caranya memulai bisnis online/mencari uang di internet, bagaimana memaksimalkan pendapatan dari internet, bagaimana membuat situs anda menempati posisi puncak di mesin pencari, bagaimana mendatangkan pengunjung yang banyak ke situs anda, maka anda telah menemukan situs yang tepat, dan untungnya berbahasa indonesia.
Jika anda telah mempunyai situs sendiri atau situs perusahaan anda, maka alangkah baiknya jika anda mengikuti tip tip yang saya tuliskan di situs ini terutama pada sudut pandang pemasaran situs itu sendiri termasuk di dalamnya, optimasi mesin pencari, pembangunan link partner, viral marketing, dan email marketing.
Intinya bagaimana anda mengatur budget yang terbatas untuk suksesnya online bisnis yang anda jalankan. Bagaimana membelanjakan budget tersebut untuk web marketing yang sukses dengan cara yang lebih efektif dan telah teruji, terutama hasil dari pengalaman penulis dan ahli pemasaran internet terkenal lainnya di seluruh dunia. Bagaimana untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam bidang Optimasi Search Engine, dan membuatnya menjadi lebih baik daripada website pesaing anda.
Tentunya apa yang dituliskan di situs ini bukanlah yang sempurna, maka dari itu timbal balik sangat diharapkan. Anda bisa bergabung dan berdiskusi dengan komunitas pencari uang di internet, internet marketer, search engine optimizer di forum kami, untuk mendapatkan suatu strategi baru yang berguna bagi dunia internet marketing.
...Selamat Membaca...