Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Rainwater Management

Rain is coming down at this time felt a dilemma for some people, not how, for urban residents who have not already notabene area serapan water and trees, the rainfall as a source of disaster. Floods that are familiar from their natural time to time to make a package with the additional noisy bingarnya large cities, but for the farmers who live in rural areas, rainfall is a blessing that there is no measurable, because the plants they will grow with the operation.

Such as whether management of the rain?
Water on the surface of the earth, aided by the sun will evaporate the cloud shape, cloud consisting of grain-grain the water is blown by wind to a more cold. Then there some process that causes grain-grain water down over the surface of this earth that we call normal rainfall. How management sederhananya rain.

The occurrence of rainfall is one of a process with other processes. So if one of the process does not take place with the proper operation, then there will be a natural disaster such as floods or landslides. For example, forest notabene as penyerap and water storage ditebang be without natural balance. Urban areas that are part of the land surface is covered by housing, the water can not be directly absorbed by the earth.

Simple but rich in meaning, it is implied that in mind I dive in the rain. Through the rain we taught each other mutual assistance, mutual respect, mutual respect and are committed to achieving a goal together. Organization, political party or the like will be destroyed if porak-poranda members in it does not have a clear commitment to achieve a vision outlined in AD-ART. Facilitate the organization members to achieve shared goals more easily

Rain is a grace from Allah SWT. Because of our work becomes easier, we need not carry water hundreds of kilometers away to water trees in the mountains.

For a leader of the group, organization or any name, can learn about commitment, gotong royong, mutual respect and respect from the rain.

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