Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

RI debt ratio down 30 Percent

From 2003 to 2008, the ratio of debt to the Indonesian gross domestic product or GDP down 30 percent. This shows the dependence of Indonesia in debt to drive the economy lower.

Minister of Finance as well as Executive Position Coordinating Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati Economy explains, the ratio of debt countries is soaring. Japan, for example, the ratio of debt jumped 30 percent in the period 2003-2008. The ratio of debt to the UK GDP increased 12 percent and the United States increased 10 percent to the GDP.

"Some of the company's debt pemeringkat world began to give warnings to the three countries because of the position of this debt so big," said Sri Mulyani.

He explains, in 2008, Japan's ratio of debt to 200 percent of their GDP. If the country's nominal GDP was Rp 5,000 trillion, Rp 10.000 trillion debt. "In this country does not have the make must be considered because the government took into the economy," he said in Jakarta on Sunday (14 / 6).

In 1999, debt ratio of 100 percent of Indonesia at that time because the government must issue a letter of the new debt of Rp 600 billion to rescue the national banking sector.

"After that, rasionya continue to decrease. All government, from President Habibie, Gus Dur, Mrs. Megawati, until now, have the same policy, lowering the ratio of debt, "said Menkeu.

In 2003, the ratio of debt to GDP Indonesia 61 percent, enter 2008, a 33 per cent of GDP, and the government intends this year to 32 percent lower.

Total debt to the Government of Indonesia 29 May 2009 to Rp 1,700 trillion, that is, foreign borrowing Rp 732 trillion and state securities (SBN) Rp 968 trillion. This number increased in 2008 instead of only Rp 1,636 trillion, the foreign borrowing Rp 730 trillion and Rp 906 trillion SBN.

According to Division of Advocacy and Networking Forum International NGOs in Indonesia Wahyu Susilo, if development is done based on government debt, that means the same menyandera government of the future Indonesia. "Better the government struggled to free themselves from debt," he said.

Check the head of the Finance Board (BPK) Anwar Nasution argued, with increasing revenues from taxes, Indonesia can become a nation that does not cleave the debt.

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